
Cuban YouTuber Banned from Filming Inside Coppelia, Citing Constitutional Grounds

Saturday, May 18, 2024 by Oscar Guevara

A YouTuber known on social media as "Literalmente cubano" was approached by an employee at Coppelia who demanded he turn off his camera and stop filming, claiming that the Constitution prohibits recording in public places. "Good afternoon, with your permission, you can record yourself, but you cannot record the facility. It is a crime," the employee stated.

When the YouTuber questioned where this was stated, the worker replied, "in the Constitution." Upon further questioning about where this rule was posted within the establishment, the employee asserted that it is part of the Law and that everyone should know it.

The YouTuber then asked how a foreigner visiting Cuba would know about such a law, to which the employee responded, "If you go to a foreign country, you have to know their laws."

The YouTuber, who was already descending the stairs to leave, found it curious that the complaint was made at that moment. He emphasized that universally, places where recording or photography is prohibited are clearly marked, a practice that he noted is absent at Coppelia in Havana.

Additionally, he mentioned that historically, he and many others have filmed inside the iconic Havana ice cream parlor. The confrontation ended with the YouTuber leaving the premises, expressing his frustration over the unusual demand.

Understanding Filming Restrictions in Cuba

This section addresses common questions about the restrictions on filming and photography in public places in Cuba, as highlighted by the incident involving the YouTuber at Coppelia.

Is it illegal to film in public places in Cuba?

According to the incident described, filming in public places like Coppelia may be restricted based on constitutional grounds. However, this is not commonly posted or widely known, leading to confusion.

Are there signs indicating where filming is prohibited in Cuba?

The YouTuber noted that there were no visible signs at Coppelia indicating that filming was prohibited. This lack of signage contributes to misunderstandings among visitors and locals alike.

What should tourists know about filming in Cuba?

Tourists should be aware that while filming in Cuba, they may encounter restrictions, especially in certain public places. It's advisable to inquire about local laws and regulations to avoid potential issues.

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