
Cubans Disrupt Border Traffic Between Belarus and Lithuania to Avoid Deportation

Saturday, May 18, 2024 by Grace Ramos

Cubans Disrupt Border Traffic Between Belarus and Lithuania to Avoid Deportation
Paso fronterizo en Lituania - Imagen de © Facebook/Sienos Grupė

A group of seven Cuban migrants, including a pregnant woman and a child, detained at the border between Lithuania and Belarus, decided to halt traffic at the checkpoint as a protest against their deportation. This was confirmed by a local Lithuanian media outlet, which cited a representative from the border service.

“But this is not the first time traffic at Medininkai has been disrupted for this reason. In reality, there's nothing new for us,” said Giedrius Mišutis, a representative of the border residents.

According to Mišutis, the Cubans were accepted at the border following their protest, although he assured that “the situation will be resolved sooner or later.”

“A solution was found, without using physical force, to resume the operation of the checkpoint,” he explained, noting that this involved “returning them to the facilities of the State Border Guard Service (VSAT). “It was not necessary for them to go back to Belarus immediately,” he affirmed.

When questioned about how the Cubans entered the European country, he mentioned that they applied for political asylum at the Medininkai checkpoint, which was assessed by Lithuanian authorities and ultimately rejected as it did not meet the conditions.

For the past three weeks, "the Department of Migration examined their applications and found no grounds to grant them asylum. This is neither the first nor the last case where these individuals cannot stay in the EU and Lithuania. (...) In the current situation, they will have to leave Lithuania," Mišutis pointed out.

Without the need for a visa to enter Belarus, Cubans take advantage of this to travel to the country and from there take risky routes in hopes of achieving political asylum or refugee status in any neighboring countries.

Until about a year ago, the route began in Serbia, another country that did not require a visa for Cubans, until it decided to control the flow of people at its borders.

Questions About Cuban Migrants at the Lithuania-Belarus Border

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the situation of Cuban migrants at the Lithuania-Belarus border.

Why did the Cuban migrants block the border checkpoint?

The Cuban migrants blocked the border checkpoint to protest against their deportation back to Belarus.

What was the response of the Lithuanian authorities?

Lithuanian authorities accepted the migrants at the border following their protest and returned them to the State Border Guard Service facilities without using physical force.

Why were the Cuban migrants' asylum requests denied?

Their asylum requests were denied following an examination by the Lithuanian Department of Migration, which found no grounds to grant them asylum.

What alternative routes have Cuban migrants used to reach Europe?

Previously, Cuban migrants used a route that began in Serbia, another country that did not require a visa, until it started controlling the flow of people at its borders.

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