
Massive Water Leak in Manzanillo Sends Water Soaring Five Meters

Saturday, May 18, 2024 by Claire Jimenez

Residents of Manzanillo, a municipality in the province of Granma, experienced hours of severe stress due to a water leak that reached five meters high, causing damage to nearby homes. The incident was caused by a malfunction in the main pipeline on Tomás Barrero Street between Martí and Mártires de Viet Nam streets in the aforementioned municipality.

Images shared online show the enormous scale of the water leak, which, according to the publication, left neighbors "astonished" as they tried in vain to "contain the fury of the water." As a result, many saw their "belongings and some household appliances" damaged, the report mentions.

One of the area residents who shared a video of the leak demonstrated how the abundance of water reached significant proportions. According to official sources on Facebook, government authorities and workers from Manzanillo's Water and Sewerage were on site working to repair the pipeline.

A year ago, residents in this Granma locality reported that a hydraulic project had turned into a veritable pool in the middle of the street. According to the publication, it is the same street where today's leak occurred, reflecting the poor work by those responsible for Water and Sewerage in that area.

Users of the cited profile questioned these works and referenced the harm it is causing residents and passersby, such as becoming a "breeding ground for mosquitoes" or an "Olympic pool" with no use.

Meanwhile, residents of the neighboring province of Santiago de Cuba have taken extreme measures in response to the water supply crisis, such as collecting the precious liquid directly from a street leak, compromising its quality and safety, and putting lives at risk.

FAQs About Manzanillo's Water Leak Crisis

In light of the recent massive water leak in Manzanillo, here are some frequently asked questions and answers that provide more insight into the situation and its implications.

What caused the water leak in Manzanillo?

The water leak was caused by a malfunction in the main pipeline on Tomás Barrero Street between Martí and Mártires de Viet Nam streets.

How did the water leak affect the residents?

The leak caused significant stress among residents, damaged belongings and household appliances, and disrupted daily life.

Who is responsible for repairing the pipeline?

Government authorities and workers from Manzanillo's Water and Sewerage are responsible for repairing the pipeline.

Have there been previous issues with water infrastructure in Manzanillo?

Yes, residents reported a hydraulic project turning into a pool in the same street last year, indicating ongoing issues with water infrastructure.