
Truck Loaded with Animal Feed Overturns in Havana

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 by Ava Castillo

Truck Loaded with Animal Feed Overturns in Havana
Accident in Cuba - Image © Facebook Accidents of Buses and Trucks

A truck carrying animal feed overturned on the Havana-Pinar Highway, near exit 114, with images of the incident going viral on social media. The accident occurred last week and fortunately resulted in no loss of life or injuries.

The main question circulating in many comments was what the truck was transporting. The vehicle belongs to the state-owned company Transporte Agropecuario de Villa Clara. Witnesses close to the driver confirmed that it was carrying a load of animal feed. Part of the cargo spilled, scattering across the highway.

The driver, affectionately known as "Serrucho," is one of the most experienced and cautious drivers from the Villa Clara transport base. "He emerged unscathed from the accident, thank God," a coworker commented. The company highlighted his extensive experience and prudence behind the wheel, which helped prevent more severe consequences.

The incident underscores the importance of maintaining strict safety measures in the transportation of goods by road.

Details on the Havana Truck Accident

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers regarding the truck accident in Havana involving a load of animal feed.

What was the truck carrying?

The truck was carrying a load of animal feed.

Were there any injuries?

No, there were no injuries reported from the accident.

Who is the driver?

The driver is known as "Serrucho," an experienced and cautious driver from the Villa Clara transport base.

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