
The Fascinating Tale of Cuba's First Ice Factory

Sunday, July 21, 2024 by Madison Pena

The Fascinating Tale of Cuba's First Ice Factory
Ice distribution in Havana, late 19th century - Image © Facebook Nostalgia de Cuba

Cuba was a pioneering nation in adopting many technological inventions, and one of the innovations that forever transformed the lives of its citizens was the production of ice. On July 21, 1888, the joint-stock company "Nueva Fábrica de Hielo" was established, initiating the production and distribution of this precious commodity in Havana. The first ice factory in Cuba was located at Calle Universidad #34.

Until the first half of the 19th century, ice was transported from frozen lakes to warmer regions using the transportation methods of the time. Massive ice blocks were covered with cork and straw to preserve them and stored in ground holes for greater longevity. The first shipments of ice arrived in Cuba by ship, but this was a very costly endeavor. In 1834, American mechanical engineer and physicist Jacob Perkins patented the first ice-making machine. This invention was introduced to the island on an industrial scale by the end of that century. The Cuban factory quickly began to meet the high demand for ice in the capital.

Ice blocks were distributed in horse-drawn carts throughout Havana, and since refrigerators had not yet arrived, a wooden cabinet lined with zinc and rubber was used to keep things cold. These early refrigerators had separate compartments for ice and food. Only the privileged classes could afford this marvelous piece of furniture.

The website Cuba en la Memoria notes that the joint-stock company "Nueva Fábrica de Hielo" overcame an economic crisis in 1890, thanks to the financial management of its president, Don Ramón de Herrera y Gutiérrez.

Gradually, more ice factories were established in Havana. Among the most famous were "La Palma" and the International Brewing Company, which also produced Polar beer and Trimalta malt beverage. In 1960, ice factories, breweries, and other beverage producers like Coca-Cola were seized, and their owners exiled.

The history of companies like "Nueva Fábrica de Hielo" remains a testament to the innovation that once defined Cuba, contrasting sharply with the current reality of scarcity and difficulties, even in the production of ice in the 21st century.

The History and Impact of Ice Production in Cuba

The following questions and answers provide further insight into the significance of ice production in Cuba and its historical context.

Who was responsible for establishing the first ice factory in Cuba?

The first ice factory in Cuba, "Nueva Fábrica de Hielo," was established by a joint-stock company on July 21, 1888.

How was ice transported to Cuba before the establishment of ice factories?

Before ice factories were established, ice was transported from frozen lakes to warmer regions, including Cuba, using ships. This was an expensive process.

What role did Jacob Perkins play in the history of ice production?

Jacob Perkins, an American mechanical engineer and physicist, patented the first ice-making machine in 1834, which was later introduced to Cuba on an industrial scale.

What happened to Cuba's ice factories and other beverage producers in 1960?

In 1960, ice factories, breweries, and other beverage producers like Coca-Cola were seized by the government, and their owners were exiled.

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