
Daughter's Surprise Visit to Her Mother in Cuba: "She Had No Idea I Was Coming"

Monday, July 29, 2024 by Aaron Delgado

A young Cuban woman surprised her mother in Cuba with an unexpected visit, capturing the emotional moment in a TikTok video that has been receiving numerous 'hearts'. The video was uploaded to the profile of the protagonist, who goes by @yadylg017 on the social media platform.

In the video, the young woman shows how she arrived at her mother's house without any prior notice, capturing the mother's reaction of surprise and joy upon seeing her. The post has resonated with many users, highlighting the importance of family and reunions on the island, especially when the wait has been long.

"Since she knew I was coming, the day before she wanted to fight, and I hung up on her. Those who know her already know how she gets," the young woman recounted in the video.

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