
From Cuba to Miami: Young Entrepreneur Thrives with Seafood Business

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 by Elizabeth Alvarado

A young Cuban has launched a seafood business in Miami, seeking assistance to secure a better future for his family, including his young daughter. The tiktoker Dairon Cano, renowned for aiding Cubans in settling in the city, shared a video highlighting the young man's venture in selling fish and seafood.

"It's tough at the beginning, but I hope with time and everyone's support, we'll gradually move forward," the young entrepreneur stated.

The Cuban showcased some of his products, which include various sizes of lobster tails, crab meat, whole crabs, shrimp, and different types of fish, among others.

"Delivery is free across Miami-Dade and Broward," he added.

"Let's help this Cuban, my people," the tiktoker urged.

Success Stories of Cuban Immigrants

Cano recently shared another video on social media, narrating the story of a Cuban doctor seeking employment opportunities in the U.S. healthcare sector. He reported that the doctor is now on the path to fulfilling his dream.

Additionally, another Cuban is making strides in the fashion industry from Mexico. The entrepreneur revealed the "secret" to succeeding with his brand Habana Rytt Dustin. Rytt Dustin (@rytt_dustin) mentioned on TikTok that the goal was to create a new clothing line "that captures the essence of Cuba, but with a modern twist."

Key Questions About Cuban Entrepreneurs in Miami

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the journey and challenges faced by Cuban entrepreneurs in Miami.

What challenges do Cuban entrepreneurs face when starting a business in Miami?

Cuban entrepreneurs often face challenges such as adapting to a new market, securing initial funding, and building a customer base from scratch. Many rely on community support to overcome these hurdles.

How can the community support new Cuban businesses in Miami?

The community can support new Cuban businesses by purchasing their products, spreading the word through social media, and providing resources or mentorship to help them succeed.

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