
Cuban Nurse Faces Three Years in Prison for Sharing Díaz-Canel Meme

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 by Emma Garcia

Cuban Nurse Faces Three Years in Prison for Sharing Díaz-Canel Meme
Aroni Yanko García Valdés and the seat of the Provincial People's Court of Villa Clara. - Image by © X/Cubalex and Periódico Granma

A Cuban nurse is facing charges of aggravated contempt, according to government accusations, after sharing a meme involving President Miguel Díaz-Canel. Aroni Yanko García Valdés was detained on April 3 and is accused by authorities of "aggravated contempt" against the Cuban leader.

"He has been in La Pendiente prison for over four months. I went to the law firm to inquire about his case, and the lawyer informed me that an email had just arrived stating that his trial is scheduled for August 19," Yunisley Suárez Rodríguez, his wife, told Martí Noticias.

The 31-year-old Cuban was detained after responding to a police summons at the 3rd Unit in Santa Clara, from where he was transferred to the Unit for Crimes Against State Security and subsequently sent under provisional custody to La Pendiente prison.

Understanding Aggravated Contempt in Cuba

Aggravated contempt in Cuba is a crime that involves actions perceived as disrespectful towards figures of authority. The severity of the legal sanctions can increase significantly if the offense is directed at the President, Vice President, President of the National Assembly of People's Power, or members of the Council of State or the Council of Ministers, among others.

The prosecutor is seeking the maximum penalty for García Valdés for this crime: three years of imprisonment, Martí Noticias reports.

Less than a week before the trial, the detainee still does not know the date of the event. Neither his lawyer, Yordania Figueroa, nor his family has received the Fiscal Petition.

García Valdés, a father of three, was working at the Capitán Roberto Fleites polyclinic, also known as Malezas among Santa Clara residents, at the time of his arrest.

His wife has also faced threats from the regime. "I am being threatened that I cannot publish or report his situation. He is the breadwinner of my family," she stated.

During her husband's arrest, she was detained for approximately five hours and released with a warning that she could face criminal charges.

"The State Security people have a horrible repression here in Santa Clara, even with the lawyer!" she pointed out.

Recently, the Cuban government announced a trial for August 12 for young influencer Sulmira Martínez Pérez, known on social media as Salem, who was jailed in January 2023 for her Facebook posts. However, in a move that discredits their agreements and has become common in the Cuban judicial system, the session has been postponed until September.

In her case, the prosecution is seeking 10 years, accusing her of inciting Cubans to protest against the Díaz-Canel regime through a series of Facebook posts that called for a repeat of the peaceful July 11, 2021 demonstrations.

Additionally, opposition figures José Antonio Pompa López and Lázaro Mendoza García were sent to prison after being held for months at Villa Marista, the State Security headquarters in Havana, accused of the crime of "propaganda against the constitutional order."

FAQs on Aggravated Contempt and Recent Cuban Trials

To provide further clarity on the issues surrounding aggravated contempt and recent trials in Cuba, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

What is aggravated contempt in Cuba?

Aggravated contempt in Cuba involves actions deemed disrespectful towards figures of authority, with harsher penalties if directed at high-ranking officials such as the President or Vice President.

Who is Aroni Yanko García Valdés?

Aroni Yanko García Valdés is a Cuban nurse facing charges of aggravated contempt for sharing a meme involving President Miguel Díaz-Canel. He has been detained since April 3, 2023.

What are the potential consequences of sharing a meme involving a Cuban leader?

In Cuba, sharing a meme involving a high-ranking leader can lead to charges of aggravated contempt, resulting in severe legal penalties, including imprisonment.

What other recent cases highlight the Cuban government's stance on dissent?

Recent cases include the trials of influencer Sulmira Martínez Pérez, also known as Salem, and opposition figures José Antonio Pompa López and Lázaro Mendoza García. These individuals face severe charges for their social media posts and political activities.

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