
Toddler in Matanzas Urgently Needs Help After Severe Burns

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 by Isabella Sanchez

A Cuban toddler, just two years old and residing in Cárdenas, Matanzas, is in urgent need of assistance after suffering severe burns to his face in a household accident last weekend.

The child, named Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez, has significant burns on his face, neck, and chest and is currently admitted to the Pediatric Hospital of Matanzas.

In statements to the administrator of the Facebook group Pesca en Miami—who has been deeply moved by the case and has already sent aid—the child's mother, Anni Rodríguez Sánchez, explained how the tragic accident occurred and emphasized that it was not due to negligence.

She described their home as very humble, with a wooden countertop in poor condition, which they decided to replace themselves. Upon removing the plywood, they found many ants and used alcohol to burn them. Unfortunately, poor handling caused the entire bottle to catch fire, and flames shot six or seven meters to where the child was standing.

The mother recounted that she was facing away when it happened, and it was her husband who ran to their son, who was engulfed in flames on the upper part of his body. Besides the injured child, who will turn three on September 5, the family has two other children: a seven-year-old boy and a one-and-a-half-year-old girl, both deeply affected by the incident.

She expressed significant concern for her son’s future treatment, noting that once he is discharged—a time still far away—he will need specific ointments unavailable on the island, such as Cicatricure, Mederma, and the highest SPF sunscreens, as he won't be able to be exposed to sunlight for a year.

Although initial images posted on social media showed the severity of the burns, the mother explained that her son has improved significantly over the past two days. He is less swollen, can open his eyes, and is even attempting to drink on his own.

In addition to any assistance with supplies, diapers, or food, along with the mentioned ointments, the religious family is grateful for prayers for the child's swift recovery. In a recent post, the mother expressed heartfelt thanks for the support they have received and noted that her son is gradually improving.

Assistance for Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez: FAQs

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the situation of Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez and how you can help.

What happened to Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez?

Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez suffered severe burns to his face, neck, and chest in a household accident involving a fire caused by burning ants with alcohol.

Where is Giorvis Daniel Rodríguez receiving treatment?

He is currently admitted to the Pediatric Hospital of Matanzas.

What specific supplies does Giorvis need?

Giorvis will need ointments such as Cicatricure and Mederma, as well as high SPF sunscreens, once he is discharged from the hospital.

How can people help the family?

People can help by providing necessary supplies, such as ointments, diapers, and food, or by offering prayers for Giorvis's recovery.

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