
Family Faces Illegal Eviction Attempt Amid Ongoing Property Dispute in Cuba

Sunday, August 25, 2024 by Aaron Delgado

A Cuban family is experiencing intense moments due to an alleged illegal eviction attempt triggered by a longstanding conflict over the ownership of a home, as publicly denounced by Carlos Yordano Sánchez.

"I am posting this because it's an issue that has been affecting my family for five years, a matter that I find shameful and very unpleasant. It all began when my grandmother Valentina, who lived in my mom's house, decided to move out on March 7, 2019. Now, she has filed a lawsuit against my mom, who is the legitimate owner of the house," Sánchez stated on the social media platform Facebook.

The problem is exacerbated by the alleged involvement of a prosecutor named Gabriel, who has threatened to take the house from his mother using his influence and power. "Gabriel, in his own words, said he would take the house from my mom and that nothing would happen to him because he is a prosecutor. With that confidence, he broke into the house, broke doors and windows, and stole various items, including legal property documents," Sánchez added.

The situation worsened when, despite witnesses confirming that Sánchez's stepfather had not committed the acts of vandalism, he was detained by the police while Gabriel continued to face no legal consequences.

"It has been more than three months since that incident, and Gabriel has neither been arrested nor brought to trial. The worst part is that my mom, out of fear of Gabriel's power, decided to leave the house even though she legally shouldn't have to," Sánchez denounced.

"No actions have been taken yet, and more individuals are involved in helping Gabriel continue to commit illegal acts. The worst part is that we can't be by my mom's side to support her," Sánchez concluded, calling for solidarity and dissemination of the case.

In 2023, the Cuban government tightened legal measures for evicting people who illegally occupy homes or state properties, a phenomenon that has increased amid the housing crisis on the island and the migration exodus.

The Supreme People's Court published in the Official Gazette the Opinion 471 of 2023, which contains the "Instructions on how to proceed in the case of the crime of Usurpation under Article 421 of the Penal Code."

Understanding the Property Dispute and Eviction Issues in Cuba

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the ongoing property dispute and eviction issues in Cuba.

What triggered the property dispute in this case?

The dispute began when Valentina, who had been living in her daughter's house, moved out in March 2019 and subsequently filed a lawsuit against her daughter, the legitimate owner of the house.

What role does the prosecutor named Gabriel play in this situation?

Gabriel, the prosecutor, allegedly used his influence to threaten the family and illegally broke into the house, causing damage and stealing property documents.

How has the Cuban government responded to illegal evictions?

In 2023, the Cuban government introduced stricter legal measures for evicting individuals who illegally occupy homes or state properties to address the growing housing crisis and migration issues.

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