
Author in Cuba Seeks Assistance for Decent Housing

Thursday, August 29, 2024 by Elizabeth Alvarado

Author in Cuba Seeks Assistance for Decent Housing
Cuban writer - Image by © Facebook/Ernesto Martí Rivero

Ernesto Martí Rivero, a Cuban writer from Villa Clara, recently put eight of his unpublished books up for sale to fund the repair of his home's roof, which collapsed recently. "I have eight good unpublished books available for editing, selling, or any business that can resolve at least part of my situation. I do not withhold author's rights; what is written is written for those who enjoy or need the pleasure of literature now or over time," Martí Rivero wrote on his Facebook profile.

"I need money, or a little money now. Tell me what you can do to help with that. I mean negotiating with my work; literature has no owner beyond the author's right that guarantees—when it happens—money, property rights, and often the vanity of the intellectual or artist to flaunt the gift that in most cases moves to egoism, envy, and rivalries, evils that from their bearers end up harming those of us who, beyond intellect and talent, have never had anything," the writer emphasized, also posting photos of his dilapidated home.

In another post, the Cuban author noted, "My immediate dream is to live with my wife in a habitable house, even if it is humble like the one we want to buy for $1,500." He also stated that he would accept any type of help to urgently resolve "this terrible problem for us," he expressed.

A friend of the writer commented that his words came from a "desperate soul." "The fact is that Ernesto Martí Rivero's roof fell in, which, by the way, was in very, very, very bad condition. Imagine now how it must be," he said.

"I think you should make a small video and post that you need help and donation support because you have a difficult housing situation. And show what is happening; there's no other way. Maybe that will help many see the situation in real-time," another person suggested.

Martí Rivero, born in Santa Clara but residing in Manicaragua, has published several poetry books, including "Mitos en la selva de Harasay" (1999), "Andanzas y memorias" (2001), "Lienzos y juglares" (1999), and "El niño árbol" (2017). He holds various awards from national and provincial contests, and his poems appear in several anthologies.

The situation of this writer adds to that of thousands of families in Cuba who still lack access to decent housing, a problem that worsens over time due to the rising cost of building materials and ongoing collapses across the island. Meanwhile, the Cuban government continues to build hotels despite their low occupancy rates.

Understanding the Housing Crisis in Cuba

To provide more context on the housing issues faced by many Cubans, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

What caused Ernesto Martí Rivero's home to collapse?

The roof of Ernesto Martí Rivero's home collapsed due to its extremely poor condition.

How is Ernesto Martí Rivero trying to raise funds for his home repairs?

Ernesto Martí Rivero is selling eight of his unpublished books to raise money for the repairs.

What is the broader issue with housing in Cuba?

Many families in Cuba lack access to decent housing due to the rising costs of building materials and frequent structural collapses, exacerbated by the government's focus on building new hotels.

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