
Student Arrested Following Threat of Attack at Miami-Dade School

Friday, September 6, 2024 by Isabella Sanchez

Student Arrested Following Threat of Attack at Miami-Dade School
School in Miami-Dade - Image by © Telemundo51

A student was arrested this Friday after posting a firearm threat on social media against Lamar Louise Curry Middle School, located in West Kendall, Miami-Dade County. The threat made by the young individual to his fellow students caused concern among parents and the school community.

The alert arose after the student posted a message on Instagram reading, "Don't go to school tmr llcms," accompanied by an image of a firearm. This post was taken seriously by the authorities, who were immediately notified by the school.

The school's principal, through a recorded message, informed parents and students about the threat and the actions being taken. The Miami-Dade Schools Police Department was promptly alerted to investigate the incident.

"The school's threat assessment team is aware of the incident and is taking the necessary security measures. Any threat will be treated with the utmost seriousness, regardless of its magnitude," stated the message from the school principal.

Furthermore, emphasis was placed on the legal consequences faced by those making such threats, highlighting that strict measures will be taken against the responsible parties. The principal also urged parents to talk with their children about the seriousness of making such posts and the potential legal consequences.

School activities were not suspended.

One mother expressed her concern to Telemundo51, stating that she would not send her child to school until the situation was fully clarified. "It's a difficult decision; as a parent, you have to choose between sending your child to school and taking a risk or waiting for everything to be resolved," she commented.

So far, Miami-Dade Public Schools have not provided further details about the social media post nor issued any additional statements regarding the situation.

Questions About the Miami-Dade School Threat Incident

Given the serious nature of the incident at Lamar Louise Curry Middle School in Miami-Dade, several questions arise about school safety and the legal implications of such threats.

What actions did the school take after the threat was made?

The school's principal informed parents and students through a recorded message about the threat and the actions being taken. The Miami-Dade Schools Police Department was immediately alerted to investigate the incident.

Were school activities suspended following the threat?

No, the school activities were not suspended despite the threat.

What legal consequences can individuals face for making such threats?

Individuals making such threats can face severe legal consequences. The school emphasized that strict measures would be taken against those responsible.

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