In the streets of Havana, an unexpected showdown between an electric motorcycle and a Mercedes-Benz AMG has captured the attention of many Cubans on social media. The video was shared by the Instagram profile @ladacuba_piezascompeticion, sparking a wave of reactions and comments.
In the footage, a young woman is seen behind the wheel of the electric motorcycle, competing with the luxurious German vehicle, astonishing viewers with her speed and skill. "Electric versus an AMG... they don't even do that over there!" commented the Instagram profile alongside the video, highlighting the unusual duel.
The event has generated numerous reactions, with many users praising the skill of the motorcycle rider. The impromptu races on Havana's streets continue to attract the curious, although they also raise concerns about road safety, particularly the dangers they pose to other drivers and pedestrians on the roads.
Electric Motorcycle vs. Mercedes-AMG in Havana: Questions and Answers
This section addresses some frequently asked questions regarding the unusual race in Havana between an electric motorcycle and a Mercedes-AMG.
What was the reaction on social media to the race?
The race between the electric motorcycle and the Mercedes-AMG sparked a wave of reactions and comments on social media, with many praising the skill of the motorcycle rider.
Who shared the video of the race?
The video was shared by the Instagram profile @ladacuba_piezascompeticion.
What are the concerns related to these impromptu races?
These impromptu races raise concerns about road safety, particularly the dangers they pose to other drivers and pedestrians on Havana's streets.