
Fishing Vessel Stranded on Route to Isla de la Juventud

Saturday, September 28, 2024 by Ethan Navarro

Fishing Vessel Stranded on Route to Isla de la Juventud
Fishing Boat - Image by © Facebook / Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila

The fishing boat LAMBDA Siboney, owned by the company PESCAISLA, became stranded in La Mulata cove, close to the Tabaco lighthouse, north of Bahía Honda.

According to Cuban Transport Minister Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, the vessel, measuring about 32 meters in length and with a prefabricated hull, was traveling from Havana to Gerona after undergoing repairs. The incident occurred early Saturday morning, around 1:30 a.m.

Rodríguez Dávila assured that the crew is not in any danger, and a Border Guard boat has been dispatched to the location to provide immediate assistance.

The Ministry of Transport announced that the salvage system has been activated, with Antillana de Salvamento participating in the established procedure for such incidents.

The situation is under control, and authorities will continue to monitor to ensure the safety of both the crew and the vessel.

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