
Mobile Phone Sent to Family in Cuba Replaced with Screws and Chicken Bouillon

Thursday, October 17, 2024 by Sophia Martinez

An outraged Cuban woman living in Spain, identified as Idisleidys Sosa, has reported a shocking incident involving a package she sent to her uncle in Cuba. Instead of the mobile phone she sent, the box was filled with screws and chicken bouillon cubes. Sosa stated that she had shipped a cell phone and two pairs of glasses, but while the glasses arrived intact, the phone box contained only unexpected items.

Sosa described the incident as "a blatant disrespect" and expressed her frustration with Correos de Cuba, accusing them of tampering with and looting the package contents. "It's unbelievable to trust an institution to deliver a package to your family and end up with something like this," she commented to CiberCuba Noticias.

Residing in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands), Sosa detailed her experience, explaining that the package was sent from Spain to Perico, Matanzas, via Correos de Cuba. Her family filed a complaint at the Perico post office, but due to a power outage, the case was logged manually, and they were advised to return the next day to see what could be done.

According to Sosa, the package had been in Cuba since September 27, as tracked online. On October 1, her family learned through a phone call that postal transport had picked it up in Matanzas; however, it wasn't until October 16 that they were notified by the Perico office to collect it. Her cousin retrieved the parcel, and a postal worker noticed it was partially opened. Upon opening it, they discovered the mobile phone had been stolen.

In a video, the affected man's daughter can be heard exclaiming, "Look, aunt, they stole my dad's phone. What a disrespect, I'm speechless, just screws," while the man lamented, "Look what they put in," showing the contents. The family has lodged a formal complaint with the authorities, demanding a response from the state-run company.

Sosa concluded her complaint with a challenge: "Let's see if they have the courage to face this."

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