A Cuban delivery driver residing in the United States, working for Amazon, issued a warning on social media this Tuesday about the dangers of bringing children along during deliveries. Fernando (@fernalopez83) shared a video on TikTok cautioning against this risky practice and urging his peers to avoid putting minors in harm's way unnecessarily.
"If you don't have someone to watch your child, please don't do Amazon deliveries with your child in the car," the young man stated, emphasizing that this isn't just irresponsible but can have severe consequences for both the children and the delivery person.
He highlighted that delivery drivers have no control over the areas they are assigned to, whether houses or apartments, which increases uncertainty and potential hazards.
The Cuban delivery driver warned that if a customer notices a child left in the vehicle while a delivery is being made, they could report it to the company. "The least that will happen is your account gets suspended," he asserted.
Moreover, he pointed out the daily dangers delivery drivers face, from accidents to unexpected incidents, risks that are amplified when a child is involved in these activities. "It's not the same to be alone as to be with a child," he emphasized, criticizing those who leave children locked in the car with a cellphone while they complete deliveries, sometimes taking over five minutes.
He also highlighted that Amazon provides flexible schedules, allowing workers to adjust their hours according to their needs. Therefore, he deemed it unnecessary and irresponsible to expose children to these situations when there are options to organize work time effectively.
Recently, another Cuban Amazon driver went viral on social media by arriving at customers' doors with a unique delivery style. His enthusiasm and distinctive approach to his job have generated thousands of reactions and comments, going viral on TikTok. He has received messages like, "Americans aren't ready for us," "This is the best way to work," "No wonder I woke up with my package," "We're the only ones who do everything dancing, always happy," and "We Cubans are the best."
The protagonist of this cheerful moment is @anthony_vila_, who shares his adventures as an Amazon delivery driver on his TikTok profile.
Amazon Delivery Safety and Cuban Drivers on Social Media
Why is it risky to have children during Amazon deliveries?
Bringing children on deliveries increases their exposure to potential hazards such as traffic accidents, unexpected incidents, and the uncertainty of different delivery locations.
What could happen if a driver is reported for having a child in the vehicle?
If a customer reports a driver for leaving a child in the vehicle, the company could suspend the driver's account, impacting their ability to work.
How does Amazon accommodate delivery drivers with children?
Amazon offers flexible scheduling options, allowing delivery drivers to organize their work hours around their personal responsibilities, such as childcare.