A devastating accident claimed the lives of four family members from Holguín, including two children, early Saturday morning when their Lada collided with a truck on the Central Highway. The tragic incident occurred near a location known as "Los Hoyos" in the Majagua municipality of Ciego de Ávila, according to a witness who shared the account on the Facebook group Accidentes Buses & Camiones, opting to remain anonymous.
"Please, if you're feeling tired, don't drive," urged the witness, who also shared shocking images revealing the severe damage to the light vehicle after the crash. One of the photos showed the car's engine completely detached from the body, which was utterly crushed by the force of the impact.
Regarding the accident's cause, a comment in the group suggested that the passengers in the light vehicle may have fallen asleep. It remains unclear if the deceased were a couple and their two children or had another relationship. However, several acquaintances indicated that the family was from Alto Cedro, a town in the Cueto municipality of Holguín.
A truly heartbreaking aspect of this tragedy is that the victims, who were reportedly returning from Havana, had a sum of money intended for purchasing a vehicle, which was stolen after the accident. "The worst part is that people take advantage of such situations... The money they had to buy the car was stolen," wrote Lizardo Almaguer.
"Rest in peace. I was there, and seeing it in person is much more intense than the photo. Condolences to the family," commented Dariel Miranda. Another post in the Facebook group Accidentes Automovilísticos en Cuba confirmed the accident's location at km 446 on the Central Highway in Ciego de Ávila, between the towns of Guayacanes and Jicotea.
This witness emphasized that all occupants of the light vehicle perished, although they mistakenly described the vehicle as a tour car, which was actually a private car. As of this report, no further details about the tragic accident have been released.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Ciego de Ávila Accident
What caused the accident in Ciego de Ávila?
The accident was reportedly caused when the passengers in the light vehicle fell asleep and collided with a truck.
Who were the victims of the Ciego de Ávila accident?
The victims were four family members from Holguín, including two children. They were reportedly from Alto Cedro, Holguín.
Was anything stolen from the accident scene?
Yes, it was reported that the victims had money intended for purchasing a vehicle, which was stolen after the accident.