Renowned for his humanitarian efforts and outspoken criticisms of the Cuban regime through social media platforms, Camagüey journalist José Luis Tan Estrada has made the difficult decision to go into exile. This move comes as a result of relentless harassment and threats from government authorities.
During a live broadcast on Martí Noticias, the independent journalist recounted the 'extremely challenging conditions' under which he left Cuba. "I left with my eyes closed and my chest forward," Tan admitted, describing the numerous instances of persecution he endured from the regime in the past.
He emphasized the government's ongoing oppression, manifested through internet blackouts, surveillance, persecution, and summonses, which ultimately compelled him to leave his homeland. "For more than two years, the State Security has been constantly repressing me," Tan explained to Martí Noticias. He also highlighted his expulsion from the University of Camagüey and a smear campaign orchestrated by the government and local party to turn the public against him.
Despite these efforts, Tan noted that their attempts were unsuccessful, as shown by the support he received from people on social media. In recent months, he has been actively involved in solidarity work, demonstrating a particular empathy for the most vulnerable children and youth.
Tan shared his harrowing experience of being imprisoned at Villa Marista, where he spent a week in a torture cell. During this ordeal, due to inadequate nutrition, he lost two teeth as he was forced to chew on whatever he could find, be it salt rocks or stones in rice.
He also recounted the challenges of accessing medical care in Cuba, stating that he had to do so 'in hiding, with a face mask and cap,' as no one wanted to risk helping him out of fear of government retaliation. Some friends discreetly supported him, but clinic directors feared repercussions from the regime if discovered.
The activist revealed that most threats from State Security were directed at his social media posts and journalistic endeavors, primarily due to "the reach of his publications" and, notably, the "humanitarian aid" efforts he organized. These activities were frowned upon by officials because they believed he was "degrading the achievements of the Cuban Revolution."
Understanding José Luis Tan Estrada's Exile
Why did José Luis Tan Estrada decide to go into exile?
José Luis Tan Estrada chose to leave Cuba due to persistent harassment and threats from the government, which made his life in the country increasingly untenable.
What kind of reprisals did Tan face in Cuba?
Tan experienced internet blackouts, surveillance, persecution, and was expelled from university. He also faced a government-led smear campaign against him.
How did Tan's humanitarian efforts impact his situation?
His humanitarian efforts, particularly those organized through social media, were seen as a threat by officials, who accused him of undermining the achievements of the Cuban Revolution.
What was Tan's experience in Villa Marista?
Tan spent a week in a torture cell at Villa Marista, where he suffered from inadequate nutrition, leading to the loss of two teeth.