In the wake of a tragic accident on Thursday at the bridge known as El Francés, situated on the highway connecting Camagüey with Santa Cruz del Sur, social media platforms were flooded with urgent calls for blood donations for the victims. The overturning of a passenger truck resulted in an unspecified number of injuries and fatalities, prompting an immediate wave of solidarity from citizens across the region.
Leosdanis González took to the Facebook group "Revolico Santa Cruz del Sur" to express the dire need: "Blood donors are urgently needed at the Santa Cruz del Sur hospital due to the accident, please act swiftly." Similarly, Javy V. Hernández underscored the necessity of donations on Facebook: "In situations like these, blood donors are urgently required at the Hospital."
Guelmi Abdul shared that blood donations could also be made at the Provincial Blood Bank in Camagüey, from where they would be dispatched to those affected: "Terrible accident on the Santa Cruz highway (children are involved). Please, if you can, go to the hospital or the Provincial Blood Bank. Your help is crucial, you can save a life! May God work in the lives of those people."
Another user, identified as Libertador Cuba, echoed the urgency in the "Revolico Camagüey 2024" group: "Anyone who can donate blood, please go, it's urgently needed." Yusimi Betancourt also expressed her willingness to donate: "Can someone tell me if it's still possible to donate blood? I'm from the beach and my blood type is O negative." Several responses highlighted the importance of her donation, noting that Betancourt is a universal donor.
Numerous individuals confirmed they were already at the Santa Cruz del Sur hospital, donating blood and acknowledging the critical nature of supporting the injured after the accident.
The accident transpired when a passenger truck overturned on the highway linking Camagüey with Santa Cruz del Sur, resulting in an indeterminate number of injuries and fatalities. Images from the scene depict the vehicle overturned on one side of the road, with significant damage to its front and upper structure, while bystanders nearby aided the victims.
Rescue operations involved using a tractor to move the truck, which had landed in a vegetated area, further complicating the emergency maneuvers.
Details on Blood Donation Efforts After the Santa Cruz del Sur Accident
Why is blood donation urgent in Santa Cruz del Sur?
Blood donation is critical due to a severe accident on the road connecting Camagüey and Santa Cruz del Sur, which resulted in numerous injuries and fatalities.
Where can individuals donate blood for the accident victims?
Blood donations can be made at the Santa Cruz del Sur hospital and the Provincial Blood Bank in Camagüey.
What challenges did the rescue teams face at the accident site?
The rescue operations were complicated by the truck's location in a vegetated area, requiring a tractor for maneuvering.