A young Cuban residing in Miami took to social media to address a follower's inquiry about why he abandoned his life as a "pimp," a term commonly used to describe those involved in the exploitation of women. In a video shared by influencer Michelito Dando Chucho on Instagram, the young man laid out his reasons for leaving that lifestyle: "First and foremost, I didn't want to continue being financially supported by a woman."
In his own words, he explained that he would rather work as a DoorDash delivery driver, which he was doing at the time, than remain in such a situation. "In my view, any man who relies on a woman for support is worthless. Men are meant to provide, to give to women, not the other way around," he asserted with conviction.
"Secondly, it's a world of lies, a realm where if someone isn't a drug addict, they're an alcoholic. It's a world driven solely by money, filled with darkness, vanity, ego, greed, resentment, envy—a web of deceit I chose to escape. I opted to replace those habits with productive ones, habits that would enhance my life rather than detract from it. These simple reasons are why I stopped being a 'pimp,'" the Cuban man emphasized.
The video sparked mixed reactions among Instagram users: "This guy must have read every self-help book out there"; "Strong words from someone who knows the game is now in someone else's hands"; "In today's world, it seems the person spreading a positive message is seen as the wrong one"; "Instead of appreciating the positive change, everything is just a joke nowadays"; "This kid is on point, good for him"; "He was kicked out and hasn't found another sponsor, welcome to the world of unprosperous slaves, stop the nonsense."
Despite the varied opinions, Yand Carlos, the young man who identifies as a personal trainer on his Instagram, expressed gratitude to Michelito Dando Chucho for sharing the video: "Thank you for posting the video. This way, I can reach more young people out there and change their lives. Blessings." Since leaving that path, he has devoted a significant portion of his efforts on social media to motivate and advise young Cubans to steer clear of such a life and to strive for a respectable future through honest work.
Understanding the Shift from a "Pimp" Lifestyle
What prompted the young man in Miami to change his lifestyle?
He wanted to break away from being financially dependent on a woman and desired to adopt a more productive and honorable lifestyle.
How did the public react to the video on Instagram?
The reactions were mixed, with some commending his positive change while others expressed skepticism and criticism.
What is Yand Carlos's current focus on social media?
He is focused on encouraging and advising young Cubans to avoid a lifestyle of exploitation and to work honestly for a better future.