In the aftermath of a devastating traffic accident on Thursday morning on the highway connecting Camagüey and Santa Cruz del Sur, where a passenger truck overturned on the bridge known as El Francés, Cuban state media took an unusual step by expressing gratitude to the citizens who showed solidarity with those affected. The state-run Radio Santa Cruz publicly thanked the local residents for their support following the tragic incident.
On its Facebook page, the station highlighted the assistance provided in transporting the injured, which supplemented the efforts of the seven ambulances deployed. This effort was bolstered by the use of eight state-owned light vehicles and one private car. Additionally, two buses were used to transport family members to Camagüey, as confirmed by the station's director, Yunior Hierrezuelo Martínez.
The station also acknowledged those who voluntarily donated blood to aid the injured. "We wish a speedy recovery to those injured," concluded Radio Santa Cruz's message.
The accident, which took place around 10 a.m. on January 2, resulted in one fatality, identified as Ramón Chávez Águila, and 63 injured individuals, including 13 minors. The incident occurred when the driver of the private truck, Alberto Cruz Díaz, lost control of the vehicle at kilometer 71 of the road, prompting a wave of community solidarity and showcasing the citizens' ability to unite and provide assistance in emergencies.
The injured were transported to José Espiridón Santiesteban Báez municipal hospital in Santa Cruz del Sur, with twenty of the more severely injured being sent to hospitals in the provincial capital due to the seriousness of their conditions. Following the accident, there was an increase in requests for blood donors to help those affected.
Authorities have stated that investigations into the causes of the accident are ongoing.
Key Questions About the Camagüey Accident
What caused the accident in Camagüey?
The accident was caused when the driver, Alberto Cruz Díaz, lost control of the vehicle at kilometer 71 on the highway connecting Camagüey with Santa Cruz del Sur.
How many people were affected by the accident?
The accident resulted in one fatality and 63 injuries, including 13 minors.
How did the community respond to the accident?
The community showed tremendous solidarity, assisting with the transportation of the injured and volunteering to donate blood.