Following a devastating gas cylinder explosion at their home in Havana, two young Cuban siblings are in critical condition. Helinzzon Paneque, aged nine, and his six-year-old sister, Elinzzanith Paneque, are currently fighting for their lives in the intensive care unit at Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital.
Their mother, Suelen Chacón, has made a heartfelt plea for assistance in obtaining food and medical supplies for her injured children. "They urgently need help, and as a ministry with a history of humanitarian aid, we have sprung into action to provide support," stated Yankiel Fernández, the head of the solidarity project "Breath of Life," in a Facebook post.
According to Fernández, the children are in need of disposable diapers, juices, yogurt, burn creams, wet wipes, gelatin, and any donations that could aid in their recovery. Contributions can be made to the following accounts for the Ministry of Breath of Life: 9224 9598 7881 8648 CUP and 9225 9598 7553 4866 MLC. For confirmation, contact 58 04 77 06.
Critical Incident in Havana: Questions and Answers
What caused the children's injuries?
The children were critically injured due to an explosion of a gas cylinder at their home in Havana.
How can people help the injured children?
People can assist by donating needed items such as disposable diapers, juices, yogurt, burn creams, wet wipes, and gelatin. Monetary contributions can be made to the provided accounts for the Ministry of Breath of Life.