A young Cuban woman, currently living on the streets of Miami, is requesting winter clothing and blankets to keep warm during the upcoming cold days. The woman, named Arizay, was featured by a TikTok user known as Conducta, who mentioned that she is battling depression and severe anxiety.
The video shows Arizay dozing on a park bench, startled when someone approaches. After the initial surprise, she engages in conversation and even smiles, mentioning she's staying with a friend who lives nearby.
Arizay did not provide further information about her background or how she ended up in this situation. She only mentioned that she has no family in the United States, except for an aunt. Despite her circumstances, she claimed to be okay, though a bit cold.
"We are working with her, trying to persuade her to accept the necessary care and support at a specialized center," stated the video creator. "This process requires her consent, and we will support her daily to achieve this goal," he added.
Assistance for Homeless Individuals in Miami
What kind of help is Arizay seeking?
Arizay is asking for winter clothing and blankets to protect herself from the cold weather.
Who is assisting Arizay in Miami?
A TikTok user named Conducta is actively involved in helping Arizay, trying to guide her towards receiving appropriate care.
Does Arizay have family support in the United States?
Arizay mentioned having no family in the United States, except for an aunt.