Like two joyful children, Oniel Bebeshito and Rachel Arderi are relishing their first encounter with snow, marking a dream fulfilled for both. The couple, along with Rachel's eldest son, Yan Carlos, ventured to Northstar California, a mountain resort perfect for experiencing snow amidst a breathtaking snowy landscape.
As anticipated, the social media platforms of the reggaeton artist and the Cuban model captured this extraordinary adventure. “Dream come true. It's cold, but we're here,” Bebeshito shared on Instagram, accompanied by a video showcasing his excitement, despite admitting the chill was intense.
In his Instagram stories, he posted additional images, expressing he felt like a little kid ready to play in the snow. Rachel, too, posed for the cameras, sharing stunning winter photos with her followers. “No one can imagine the overwhelming excitement my inner child feels meeting snow for the first time,” she revealed on her profile.
We hope the lovebirds continue to share more of these special moments they're enjoying in the snow.