Cuban influencer Alexander Otaola has stirred up controversy once again by outlining which Cubans, in his opinion, should be deported back to Cuba without hesitation during a potential new Trump administration. "Those who should be deported are immigrants who did not come for political reasons. Those with criminal records, those who declare themselves communists, and those who are interested in opening businesses in Cuba or sending cars there," he stated.
Otaola emphasized that these individuals should be told "back you go," as they do not qualify for any immigration status, and should be put on boats or planes back to Cuba. "Moreover, this should be done without seeking permission from the Cuban dictatorship, which is another major mistake the United States is currently making," the former mayoral candidate added.
He acknowledged that while there are "agreements" between the two countries, the U.S. cannot treat the island as if it operates like a normal country because "Cuba is not a normal country." Otaola also accused the Communist Party of Cuba of using migration as a tool for political pressure.
The controversial host argued that the U.S. government "needs to stop asking questions, fill the mother ship, set sail, reach the shores, offload the crowd, and tell them: 'Get going, you were born here.'" Otaola noted that anyone who does not want to be on that list must cease being an economic immigrant.
"An economic immigrant is someone who came here to get a phone, a car, a lifestyle, and did not come because communism bothered them, did not come because they felt limited and oppressed in their homeland," he explained. Otaola did not exclude Cubans with I-220A from this group, particularly those who said at Versailles: "We don't talk about politics."
"All those people in the first shipment," declared the influencer, who also suggested that all deportees should be allowed to take their "stuff," including a generator and a solar panel to cope with blackouts on the island. "I think it would be a good thing for the Trump administration to do, and I believe they will, perhaps not in this way," he added, concluding that "it would be nice."
Otaola's stance has polarized his audience, with some supporters backing his rhetoric while others accuse him of being utterly insensitive.
FAQs about Otaola's Deportation Proposal
Who does Alexander Otaola believe should be deported?
Otaola believes that Cubans who did not immigrate for political reasons, those with criminal records, self-declared communists, and those interested in business ventures in Cuba should be deported.
Why does Otaola criticize the U.S. government's current approach to Cuba?
Otaola criticizes the U.S. for treating Cuba as a normal country and for seeking permission from the Cuban government, which he views as a mistake.
What does Otaola propose for deported individuals?
He suggests that deportees should be allowed to take personal belongings, including a generator and a solar panel, to help them cope with the conditions in Cuba.