Emilio Frías, renowned leader of the band El Niño y La Verdad, recently fulfilled a cherished dream by taking his daughter to Disney World for the first time. For many parents, this is a milestone moment as their children grow up. Frías shared this unforgettable family outing on his Instagram, filled with photos and videos capturing the joy of the experience.
"Every child's dream is to visit this magical place, and every parent's dream is to bring their children here. I've achieved part of that dream, although there are still places we couldn't visit," Frías expressed, vowing to return for more adventures. "For now, I cherish this as one of the most beautiful experiences of my life," added the musician.
The family snapshots show Emilio Frías holding his daughter alongside his wife, with the iconic Disney castle as their backdrop. It's hard to tell who enjoyed the visit more—little Evangeline, sporting heart-shaped sunglasses and a Minnie Mouse headband, or her parents, who couldn't stop smiling.
Last year in July, Emilio also took his daughter to the Ermita de la Caridad in Miami, a sacred site for all Cubans, marking another meaningful moment for the family.