A relative of one of the nine missing recruits following the explosions at a military warehouse in Rafael Freyre, Holguín province, has voiced strong criticism against the Cuban authorities. The family member accused them of mishandling the crisis by not "doing anything to save them." Many other family members shared this sentiment.
"It's difficult for me to write this because my nephew is among the missing, and I know how hard the situation is for all the families of those young ones, who we still hope will return home," expressed an individual identified as Jesús Antonio on the Facebook group Revolico Freyre. "But it feels like the right actions aren't being taken. I believe those kids are still alive, yet no efforts are being made to save them," he added.
He further lamented that these young recruits are being left to "the mercy of God," emphasizing that there hasn't been an attempt to locate them. "The painful part is that they had the courage to risk all of them, but now no one is willing to risk themselves for these kids who were forced to do the dirty work that wasn't theirs," he continued.
Jesús Antonio proposed that all parents and relatives unite to demand truth and action, stressing the need for authorities to put their lives on the line to rescue those they compelled to be there. "I completely agree and would give my life for my nephew and everyone else trapped there," he concluded.
In the comments section, numerous users supported his view, including relatives of other missing individuals. Luis Manuel Driggs remarked, "Brother, I also have a cousin who is missing, and I hope he and everyone else are alive. You're absolutely right; they haven't done anything, only spreading lies on the news. All they tell the families is to stay calm."
Yenisell Radoiu stated, "My nephew is there too. The specialized rescue and salvage team needs to be activated immediately. If they're alive in that tunnel, every passing moment counts. We need immediate action, not delays."
Yusmari Roja expressed frustration, "My cousin is among the missing. There is no consolation, never will be. They are there because they were forced. Enough with the lies. We don't want more lies, and now no one dares to search for them. They're left to their fate, alive or not. What do they care if it's not their pain?"
Leandro Pérez Alberteriz added, "I also have a cousin there, and nothing is being done to get them out. How could they enter, but now no one can go for them? I'm available if volunteers are needed."
Arianna Suárez Gómez echoed, "I agree. I have a cousin there, and I feel they're alive. They're being left to die because there's no courage to send those who forced them in. Words can't describe the family's pain. We're desperate," Taily Díaz concluded.
Other users lamented the lack of coverage by official media on the missing recruits, overshadowed by the so-called "Caravan of Victory."
Ongoing Challenges at the Explosion Site
The situation at the military ammunition depot in Melones, within the Holguín municipality of Rafael Freyre, remains precarious, as further explosions continue to obstruct access to the ground zero area and delay the search for the missing.
Lisandra Martín, a state-affiliated communicator, reported on Wednesday that as of 8:00 p.m., the latest explosion occurred at 3:00 p.m. on January 8. She noted that thermal imaging showed temperatures exceeding 300 degrees at that time.
A report by the Television News and an article in Granma focused almost entirely on the evacuation of local residents, neglecting any mention of the missing individuals or progress in accessing the disaster site. The MINFAR has yet to provide updates on rescue operations.
The missing "soldiers" include Leinier Jorge Sánchez Franco, Frank Antonio Hidalgo Almaguer, Liander José García Oliva, Yunior Hernández Rojas, Rayme Rojas Rojas, Carlos Alejandro Acosta Silva, Brian Lázaro Rojas Long, José Carlos Guerrero García, and Héctor Adrián Batista Zayas. The absent military personnel are Majors Leonar Palma Matos and Carlos Carreño del Rio, along with Second Sub-Officers Orlebanis Tamé Torres and Yoennis Pérez Durán.
Key Questions About the Incident and Response
What has been the response of Cuban authorities to the missing recruits?
Cuban authorities have been criticized for not taking adequate action to rescue the missing recruits, with claims of inaction and misinformation.
Why are relatives of the missing recruits dissatisfied?
Relatives express dissatisfaction due to perceived inaction by authorities, lack of truthful information, and feeling left to cope with their pain alone.
What challenges are present at the explosion site?
Ongoing explosions and high temperatures are hindering access to the site, complicating efforts to find and rescue the missing individuals.
Who are some of the missing recruits?
The missing include Leinier Jorge Sánchez Franco, Frank Antonio Hidalgo Almaguer, and several others, along with military personnel like Majors Leonar Palma Matos and Carlos Carreño del Rio.