In a tragic incident this Saturday, two siblings, aged 13 and 16, lost their lives following an electric scooter explosion in Regla, Havana. The Facebook account La Tijera reported the heartbreaking event, revealing that the family not only lost two of their children, but other members were also hospitalized.
Comments from community members and acquaintances on the post identified the victims as a 16-year-old girl and her 13-year-old brother, who resided with their mother and her partner. The unfortunate accident occurred early in the morning when the scooter's battery exploded inside their home, located near the neighborhood of La Ciruela.
"Thankfully, the one-year-old survived," mentioned user Alexeis Alio Ayala, expressing relief amid the tragedy. The incident prompted an outpouring of grief from dozens, who expressed their condolences and warned about the dangers of storing electric scooters indoors.
Many recalled similar accidents that have occurred at night or in the early hours, highlighting the risks when families are asleep and unaware of potential hazards.
Frequently Asked Questions about Electric Scooter Safety in Cuba
What precautions should be taken to prevent electric scooter explosions?
To prevent electric scooter explosions, it is advised to charge the device in a well-ventilated area, avoid overcharging, and regularly inspect the battery for signs of damage.
Are there specific regulations in Cuba regarding electric scooter safety?
While specific regulations in Cuba regarding electric scooter safety are not well-documented, users are generally encouraged to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents.
How common are electric scooter accidents in Cuba?
Electric scooter accidents, though not extremely common, do occur in Cuba, often due to mishandling or improper storage, as evidenced by recent tragic incidents.