Niurka Marcos recently commemorated a meaningful milestone in her spiritual journey: twelve years since she was blessed by Changó, the powerful Yoruba deity associated with thunder, fire, and dance. The Cuban actress shared a video on her social media platforms, showcasing the celebration surrounded by loved ones. "Twelve years of receiving Changó's blessing, my Father... With family, and a lifetime under his protection," read the caption accompanying her post.
The video captured both the vedette and her guests dressed in white attire, a symbol of purity and spiritual connection in Santería. The event was filled with songs, dances, and laughter as Niurka celebrated with her partner, her son Emilio, and his girlfriend, Leslie Gallardo, all enjoying the joyous atmosphere rich in tradition.
The venue was adorned with a meticulously decorated altar, visible in some of the shared images. The celebration was further enlivened by the rhythmic sounds of drums and traditional chants, creating a vibrant and deeply spiritual experience.
The post quickly garnered a wave of comments from her followers, who praised her authenticity and pride in keeping Afro-Cuban traditions alive, even while being far from her homeland. The event, steeped in spirituality and ancestral connection, highlighted once again that Niurka is not just a media figure but also a woman deeply rooted in her cultural identity and beliefs.