The esteemed Cuban actor Luis Alberto García paid tribute to his mother, Obdulia María de la Caridad Novoa Martínez, affectionately known as Yuya, on her 83rd birthday with a heartfelt post on Instagram filled with love and memories. Alongside his message, he shared photos from his mother's youth and a current image where they both beam at the camera, exuding affection and camaraderie.
"Today this young lady turns 83, the one who, without asking me and without considering the consequences that act would bring me, decided to bring me into this valley of tears in 1961," the actor humorously penned.
"The place she chose was, is, and will always be beautiful, despite how run-down it has become. The timing is something we still debate, but the truth is she had no other choice. It was then or never," the artist stated.
Luis Alberto reminisced about how his mother, brimming with hope during an era of grand promises, fell in love with a theater companion: "She encountered a mulatto student with green/yellow eyes who dreamed of becoming an actor... and that's how the fun began. She had three boys. I was the first up to bat."
With a blend of admiration and tenderness, he highlighted his mother's quirks: her fear of cockroaches, her taste for coffee mixed with peas, and her stoic acceptance of a future still waiting to fulfill many of its promises. "My brothers and I always call her MAMA. Just like that, without an accent at the end. Take your time leaving, MAMA," the actor concluded his touching message.