The Cuban government has officially declared the death of the 13 individuals who went missing following a devastating explosion at a military warehouse in the town of Melones, located in Holguín. According to a statement from the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR), the likely cause of the tragic event has been traced to an electrical malfunction, specifically a short circuit within the facility.
As of this Wednesday, several days post-incident, authorities have reported that they have yet to access the area where "the 13 comrades who heroically confronted the disaster in an effort to prevent its spread" are located. This delay is attributed to the exceptionally challenging conditions on the ground, which include ongoing explosions, the presence of accumulated gases, severe damage, and the significant risk of structural collapse.
The ministerial commission, established by the Minister of the FAR to lead the investigation, alongside competent investigative bodies, has concluded that accessing the accident site is impossible. Consequently, they assert there is no chance of survival for those located there, as stated in the official note.
The statement concludes by noting that families have been informed of the tragic outcome, and the 13 individuals are now officially declared deceased.
Details on Holguín Explosions and Aftermath
What caused the explosion in Holguín?
The explosion in Holguín was likely caused by an electrical fault, specifically a short circuit within the military warehouse.
Why haven't authorities reached the site of the explosion?
Authorities have been unable to reach the site due to extreme conditions, including ongoing explosions, gas accumulation, extensive damage, and the risk of structural collapse.
How were the families informed about the incident?
The families of the 13 individuals were officially notified about the tragic outcome of the incident, confirming that their loved ones are deceased.