The passing of the beloved Cuban comedian José Téllez, affectionately known as “El Chico Bombón,” has left a significant void in the world of Cuban humor and culture. The news of his death sparked an outpouring of heartfelt tributes on social media, where prominent Cuban artists expressed their sorrow and paid homage to his remarkable legacy.
Renowned figures such as Heydy González, Antolín “El Pichón”, Javier Berridy, Los Pichy Boys, and Carlos Otero took to their social media platforms to fondly remember Téllez, highlighting his immense talent, humility, and infectious joy.
Heartfelt Messages from Fellow Artists
Heydy González shared, “Saying goodbye to a friend is never easy, but today it is even more difficult to bid farewell to someone as unique as José. His talent for making us smile, his unparalleled sense of humor, and that spark that lit up every room he entered will forever remain in our memories. José, with his big heart and contagious laughter, taught us that greatness lies not in size, but in the ability to bring happiness to others. You leave a huge void, but also a legacy of laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. Rest in peace, my friend. The heavenly stage welcomes you with applause. You will always be in our hearts.”
Yaniel Castillo simply wrote, “Fly high, brother. Rest in peace.”
Carlos Otero expressed, “Rest in peace, brother. I will miss you... deeply.”
Eduardo Antonio commented, “One of the best colleagues, friends, and comedians I have ever known. Rest in peace, my little brother.”
Antolín El Pichón reflected, “We were just recording together yesterday, José.”
Vladimir Escudero shared his disbelief, “Damn José, good friend, I still can't believe I'm living this story of your departure, my brother, how sad. We were just laughing together yesterday. I will remember you with immense joy because that's who you were, my friend. God keep you, buddy, rest in peace. Damn José...”
El Funky succinctly said, “Rest in peace, buddy.”
Los Pichy Boys shared, “We just learned the sad news that our friend José Téllez, El Chico Bombón, has passed away. José, it was a pleasure working with you, brother, a guy who always arrived on time, with his lines memorized and super professional. Our deepest condolences to all your family and friends. Here are some images from our last collaboration in an episode of Serrano that we recorded. Rest in Peace, José.”
Javier Berridy remembered, “Life is fleeting and flies by, a month ago we performed with José in a show in Kentucky, and today he is no longer with us. Rest in peace, my brother, and may God keep you in a beautiful place. EPD.”
The team at El Gordo y La Flaca remarked, “We mourn the passing of Cuban comedian José 'Chico Bombón' Téllez, who suddenly left us today at the age of 56. We send our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.”
Remembering José Téllez: Frequently Asked Questions
Who was José "El Chico Bombón" Téllez?
José Téllez, known as "El Chico Bombón," was a renowned Cuban comedian celebrated for his humor and magnetic personality. He was a beloved figure in Cuban culture.
How did Cuban artists react to José Téllez's death?
Many Cuban artists took to social media to express their sorrow and pay tribute to José Téllez, sharing heartfelt messages that celebrated his life and legacy.
What legacy did José Téllez leave behind?
José Téllez left behind a legacy of laughter, joy, and unforgettable moments that touched the lives of many. He was known for his humility, talent, and ability to bring happiness to others.