A team of attorneys has announced plans to file a lawsuit intended to resolve the immigration limbo affecting approximately 500,000 Cubans residing in the United States with an I-220A. At the same time, Cuban-American Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar is working on a legislative proposal that could provide relief to these affected migrants.
Immigration Challenges for Cubans with I-220A
Currently, more than half a million Cubans who have received the I-220A form live under the constant threat of deportation, seeking legal avenues to stay in the country. In response, a group of lawyers is pursuing legal actions to offer these individuals a potential solution. "The argument is that they were given the wrong documents at the border when released," explained immigration attorney Anthony Domínguez in a discussion with Univision journalist Javier Díaz.
The law firm Prada Domínguez previously achieved a legal victory in December 2024, benefiting over thirty Cubans with I-220A. According to Domínguez, the firm is continuing its efforts and currently working on a new lawsuit that could be addressed by the 11th Circuit Court within a timeframe of one to one and a half years. "We can file lawsuits or a class-action suit for individuals processed for expedited removal but released before scheduling or having a credible fear interview with USCIS," added the attorney.
Seeking Government Agreement
Domínguez also expressed the hope of reaching an agreement with the government to allow those affected to obtain parole documents and eliminate the I-220A. "We expect to find an agreement with the government to issue parole documents and remove the I-220A," he stated.
Concerns about this issue grew after the recent detention of a 38-year-old Cuban with I-220A who was arrested during an ICE appointment despite having no criminal record, detained for deportation purposes.
Legislative Efforts in Congress
Meanwhile, Republican Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar criticized the Democratic administration, attributing the I-220A issue to their tenure and denouncing the absence of solutions from President Joe Biden's team. "The Democrats and the Biden administration could have perfectly resolved this problem, as they started issuing this I-220A to Cubans, which I don't quite understand why it happened," Salazar remarked.
Salazar claims to have made multiple attempts to resolve the situation with the Biden administration but, after receiving no response, announced her work on a legislative proposal to benefit those affected. "News will be forthcoming," she hinted.
Currently, the Republicans not only control the White House but also hold a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, potentially easing the passage of new immigration measures.
Recently, Florida attorney Willy Allen expressed confidence to CiberCuba regarding Cubans who entered the U.S. with an I-220A (Order of Release on Recognizance), granted to individuals detained and released by Immigration officials under the condition of attending Immigration Court hearings. Allen conveyed optimism to I-220A holders: "We will win in a Federal Court. Present a strong asylum case. We might have to fight," he stated. "You cannot now strip residency from 100,000 Cubans who entered with I-220A," he declared firmly.
Frequently Asked Questions About I-220A and Immigration
What is an I-220A form?
The I-220A form is an Order of Release on Recognizance, issued to individuals detained by Immigration officials but released under the condition of attending Immigration Court hearings.
Who is María Elvira Salazar?
María Elvira Salazar is a Cuban-American Congresswoman working on a legislative proposal to aid Cubans affected by the I-220A form.
What is the 11th Circuit Court's role in the I-220A lawsuits?
The 11th Circuit Court is expected to address the lawsuit involving Cubans with I-220A, potentially resolving their immigration status concerns.