An estimated 26,000 Cubans could find themselves without legal protection in the United States following the recent announcement about the revocation of humanitarian parole. This figure, calculated by journalist Wilfredo Cancio for Café Fuerte, includes those from the island who entered U.S. territory after March 2024. These individuals have yet to meet the requirement of a year and a day of residency needed to qualify under the Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA).
Who Will Be Impacted by the Humanitarian Parole Revocation?
The announcement of this policy change has left many Cuban beneficiaries of humanitarian parole worried. The revocation of this immigration benefit is set to take effect 30 days from the official announcement, expected next Tuesday. During an interview with Univision, attorney José Guerrero clarified several concerns, providing insights into the policy's impact and highlighting those most at risk of expedited deportation once the measure is implemented.
Guerrero explained that the decision affects individuals whose parole is still valid, noting that all humanitarian paroles will be nullified 30 days after the official publication of the decision. "If you have been in the country for more than two years and have applied for an immigration benefit or have a defined immigration status, you should not encounter any issues and can remain in the U.S.," Guerrero stated.
However, those who have not applied by the publication date face a higher risk of expedited deportation, bypassing immigration court. According to Guerrero, individuals who have applied for residency after a year and a day but lack documentation should not initially be affected. "They should not be impacted based on this publication," the attorney noted, clarifying that those who have adjusted their status prior to the measure are excluded, including those under the Cuban Adjustment Act, TPS, T visa, or U visa.
Nonetheless, the situation becomes more complex for humanitarian parole beneficiaries who have not applied for residency because they have been in the country for less than a year and a day and have not filed for asylum. Those individuals, if they did not file for asylum before the announcement, will be unable to do so now. "If someone tries to file now, it won't be accepted; the publication specifies before this notice," Guerrero clarified.
"Individuals who haven't reached a year and a day and haven't applied for asylum could unfortunately be affected," he affirmed. "People who have been here should have applied for residency or asylum... Those who have applied are protected; those who haven't, unfortunately, face expedited deportation," Guerrero added.
When asked about the potential consequences for those choosing not to leave the U.S., Guerrero responded, "As clearly stated, it is a priority for the government to quickly remove them from the country. Someone who has been here for two years needs to be placed in a regular deportation process, and we know the courts are overwhelmed with cases. They will notify each person, who will be detained and deported swiftly," the attorney concluded.
Humanitarian Parole Revocation
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on Friday the revocation of humanitarian parole programs for citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, along with their immediate family members, known as the CHNV programs. This decision aligns with Executive Order 14165 issued by President Donald Trump on January 20, 2025, which aims to secure the border and end categorical parole programs.
The DHS argued that these programs failed to curb irregular migration or significantly enhance border security and have resulted in increased pressure on local communities, public resources, and the already overwhelmed immigration judicial system. More than 532,000 individuals entered the U.S. under these programs between 2022 and 2025. The DHS contends that while these entries were legally permissible under parole, they conflicted with the original intent of the law, which mandates that such permits be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Those without other legal grounds to remain in the country will need to depart or face deportation proceedings.
Understanding the Implications of the Humanitarian Parole Revocation
Who is at greatest risk due to the parole revocation?
Individuals who have not yet applied for residency or asylum and have been in the U.S. for less than a year and a day are at the highest risk of expedited deportation.
What should those affected by the parole revocation do?
It is advisable for those affected to seek legal counsel to understand their options and potentially apply for any applicable immigration benefits before the revocation takes effect.
What does the DHS say about the effectiveness of the parole programs?
The DHS claims these programs did not effectively reduce irregular migration or improve border security, and instead put undue pressure on local resources and the immigration system.