
Cuban Mother Killed in Devastating Accident While Picking Up Daughter from School

Sunday, March 23, 2025 by Daniel Colon

Cuban Mother Killed in Devastating Accident While Picking Up Daughter from School
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A devastating traffic accident took place on Friday afternoon in Santa Fe, a district in Playa, Havana, resulting in the death of a mother and injuries to her young daughter after being struck by a microbus known locally as "gacelas." As is often the case in Cuba, social media reports highlighted a significant delay in the arrival of an ambulance to the scene.

"Please, this is urgent, post it so they finally send the ambulance. At 4:30, there was an accident in Santa Fe, Playa, a 'gazella' hit a mother with a child. The mother is in critical condition, between life and death, and the child is all bruised with a large bump on her head," wrote Yaneli Morales, who manages the Facebook page Díaz-Canel Sin Gao.

In a subsequent update, Morales reported that the mother's condition was dire, with a spinal cord detachment and brain death, and that the ambulance finally arrived two and a half hours after the initial call. "My relative called me and said the child's screams at the clinic were unbearable," she added.

A third update confirmed the tragic passing of the mother and blamed the "gazella" for speeding. "Anyone from Santa Fe knows that's a school zone, and they were speeding; you have to drive at 40," the source noted.

Various eyewitness accounts on social media and local forums indicated that the incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. as the woman was picking up her daughter from school. Although the precise circumstances remain unclear, many users blamed the microbus driver for exceeding the speed limit. Other testimonies echoed the sentiment that such violations are frequent: "those gacelas are always speeding, the drivers act like they're in a Formula 1 race," or "they drive with their phone in hand and at full speed."

However, some narratives suggested shared responsibility. One user mentioned that the mother "didn't respect the stop sign on 5th and didn't see the gacela coming," though others argue that regardless, the vehicle's speed was excessive and illegal. The incident has sparked outrage in the Santa Fe community, where the victim, affectionately known as "la Pulga," was cherished by neighbors.

"Santa Fe is mourning," expressed a local resident, as dozens of social media messages conveyed condolences and solidarity to the family. As of this report's closure, no additional details have been released.

Details on the Tragic Accident in Santa Fe

What were the conditions leading to the accident?

The accident occurred as the mother was picking up her daughter from school, with reports indicating that the microbus was speeding in a school zone.

How did the community react to the incident?

The Santa Fe community expressed deep sadness and outrage, as the victim was a beloved figure locally known as "la Pulga."

What were the criticisms regarding the emergency response?

There was significant criticism over the ambulance's delayed response, taking over two hours to arrive at the accident scene.

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