Jorge Santos Díaz: paintbrush, art and city
- Submitted by: admin
- Arts and Culture
- 10 / 27 / 2006

By Jorge Navarro Torres
In the history of the still young Cuba -only 513 years have passed since the so-called encounter of the two cultures- this Caribbean nation has not been yet the birthplace of famous names of the world of arts such as Michelangelo, Goya, Van Gogh or Picasso.
The Cuban art has emerged fresh, colorful and tropical from the endless combination of cultures, occurred after their arrival from diverse latitudes of the planet.
The local artists, who have combined the fruitfulness of their creation and a solid academic education acquired in this inland city, enjoy a prominent position in the plastic art in Cuba.
The paintbrush of Jorge Santos Díaz is an example of the infinite source that is Camagüey.
As a painter, Díaz has left a remarkable trace in our culture, and his hometown has been a constant in his inspiration.
Telling the history of a dreams maker
Given that he flawlessly dedicated his career to the authentic art, at odd with vulgarity and vanity, Santos Diaz was awarded in several occasions by governmental and cultural institutions within Camagüey and out of its boundaries.
In his oeuvre, he exploited all kind of techniques, paining in oils and watercolor but always reflecting his yearning for the old city of Camagüey, its landscape, and its people, motives that has always inspired his creation.
It is visible in Santos Díaz works a harmonic treatment in each piece of art and a careful use of the colors and texture, being notable the perspective and the chiaroscuro.
About his commitment with his hometown, Santos wrote: "I think that I owe it (the city) a series that could be dedicated to its traditional personages or to the everyday chore of my people...(they) should have a great deal of care over Camagüey, so that it can lives on and longer.
On September 12th , 1996 when his paintbrush yet had thousand of things to say, Jorge Santos Díaz died.
Today, his oeuvre is in the hands of many of his fellow country people though which it is possible to see the fascinating enchantment of the old "village of ranchers and hats".
Source: Radio Cadena Agramonte