Liberators of Latin America will gather filmmakers and heroes
- Submitted by: admin
- Arts and Culture
- Cinema
- International
- South America
- 03 / 25 / 2007

A cycle of telefilms dedicated to important personalities in the history of Latin America is the new project undergoing preparations by Spanish producer José María Morales, who is closely linked to the New Latin American Cinema, by co-producing with ICAIC movies like Suite Habana and Madrigal, both directed by Cuban Fernando Pérez.
Liberators is the title, chosen for a saga to which excellent filmmakers of the new Latin American cinema will join, they are responsible in taking to video format, the history of the national hero of each nation, with the distinctiveness that each chapter in the TV series will be translated into images by a filmmaker from the country of each national. An Argentinean will take on the history of José de San Martin, a Chilean that of Bernardo 0'Higgins and a Cuban that of José Martí.
The original idea of the project belongs to the Spanish actor Sancho Gracia who lived long time in Uruguay and also keeps sensitive links with the Cuban cinematography as his own filmography demonstrate with films like Gallego (Galician), of Manuel Octavio Gómez and his last work in Bailando cachachá (Dancing chachachá), of Manuel Herrera.
Morales has declared that this cycle is one of his most ambitious productions and that will also be sponsored by the Spanish TV. The final structure of the project will have a total of seven or eight chapters that will be shot in a span of five to six years.
He was also asserted that he hopes to begin the filming in late 2007, when the Cuban film director Fernando Pérez begins the chapter dedicated to José Martí. In year 2008 the Argentinean director Fernando Pino Solanas will join the team and will direct the episode dedicated to José de San Martin.
For the chapter dedicated to the Chilean national hero Bernardo O'Higgins, he hopes to have the collaboration of the southern film director Raúl Ruiz, with whom he has begun conversations.
Other personalities of Latin American history that will be approached in the TV series are the Venezuelan Simón Bolívar, the Peruvian Túpac Amaru, the Uruguayan José Artigas, and the Brazilian Tiradentes, among others.
Source: CubaSi