Raul Paz sings in Cuba
- Submitted by: admin
- Arts and Culture
- Music
- 06 / 20 / 2007
"It has been over twenty years that I last sang in Pinar del Río, hence it was so important for me to come here", expressed Raul Paz after finishing a successful concert in José Jacinto Milanés Theater of that western province. Earlier he had performed in Havana City.
In spite of his brief stay in our country for working reasons, the artist saved nothing to pay homage to his native land and he was warmly welcomed by the public of Pinar del Río.
The singer and songwriter interpreted characters in cinema and theater in his beginnings besides studying violin and harmonic and he finally worked in the fusion of Cuban and foreign rhythms.
Almost a decade ago with the launching of his first album Cuba Libre this musician has attained recognition in important European scenarios. The rest of this year and next Raul Paz has several projects and he gave some comments to our team.
The video of the song Mamá (Mom) won several Lucas Awards, plus great popularity.
- Do you plan to make a new video and launch another CD?
Theres a new video coming soon of the song Tu y Yo (You and Me) and we will record another soon as well. Theres always a new disk being done or undone, soon I will have a tour through Europe which should finish in 2008 and I hope to find the time to record a new album that will hit the market by the middle of year.
Paz has introduced new elements in every last of his productions thus differentiating them all passing through pop, ballad, hip hop until making some Cuban country music in his last disk En casa (At Home).
- What is Raul Paz basing to make up the repertoire of a CD?
-I don't give it much thought, it just comes out, whats more important is that it is always me. The best thing in an album is that its honest and shows what you want, whats inside you, without the intention of making more important things.
The record house Putumayo has produced many disks with the participation of Latin musicians, among them Raul Paz.
- Whats your opinion on the work of this record house?
-The team of Putumayo its been my friend for many years, I am lucky of being included in three or four compilations of this record house and they are people who work very different within the record industry. They like the type of project I have and they back me up in the concerts.
Returning to your roots and memories of your first steps, now this artist offers us a reviving side of Cuban music. In very little time his art has been able of reaching a large number of Cubans that now wait eagerly for the next encounter.
Source: CubaSi