
Extreme Poverty in Cuba

Extreme Poverty in Cuba: Explore stories of overcoming adversity, youth-led aid initiatives, and the harsh realities of survival as families and communities navigate severe hardships.

Mother Survives on Purslane and Herb Stew in Santiago de Cuba
Mother Survives on Purslane and Herb Stew in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 9/8/2024

Cuban Youth Provides Aid to Vulnerable Elderly Man in Artemisa
Cuban Youth Provides Aid to Vulnerable Elderly Man in Artemisa

Published on 8/4/2024

Cubano Reunites with Mother After 8 Years: "It Couldn't Happen in Cuba, But It Did in Punta Cana"
Cubano Reunites with Mother After 8 Years: "It Couldn't Happen in Cuba, But It Did in Punta Cana"

Published on 7/31/2024