
Florida Power & Light

Florida Power & Light: Recent outages left families in Miami-Dade and Hialeah without power for extended periods, sparking demands for prompt and lasting solutions.

Families in Hialeah Condominiums Endure Four Days Without Power
Families in Hialeah Condominiums Endure Four Days Without Power

Published on 8/19/2024

Power Restored to Cuban Families in Miami-Dade Condo After 17-Day Outage
Power Restored to Cuban Families in Miami-Dade Condo After 17-Day Outage

Published on 8/16/2024

Two Cuban Families in Miami-Dade Demand a Solution After More Than Two Weeks Without Electricity
Two Cuban Families in Miami-Dade Demand a Solution After More Than Two Weeks Without Electricity

Published on 8/14/2024