
Immigrant Experiences

Insights into the diverse challenges and triumphs faced by Cuban immigrants, exploring themes of cultural adaptation, financial struggles, identity, and resilience in new lands.

Young Cuban Woman Moves Hearts with Her Return to the Island After Five Years
Young Cuban Woman Moves Hearts with Her Return to the Island After Five Years

Published on 9/15/2024

Cubana in the U.S. Shares Insightful Reflection: "Forget Your Fears and Believe in Yourself"
Cubana in the U.S. Shares Insightful Reflection: "Forget Your Fears and Believe in Yourself"

Published on 9/15/2024

Cuban Woman in the U.S. to Immigrants Complaining About Their Jobs: "Respect Those Who Didn't Make It"
Cuban Woman in the U.S. to Immigrants Complaining About Their Jobs: "Respect Those Who Didn't Make It"

Published on 9/9/2024

Cubana in Spain Offers Insightful Tips for Newcomers: "Avoid Working for Fellow Countrymen"
Cubana in Spain Offers Insightful Tips for Newcomers: "Avoid Working for Fellow Countrymen"

Published on 9/6/2024

A Cuban Woman in the USA Moves Social Media with Heartfelt Message: "I'm Happy to Be Here, But I Miss My Country So Much"
A Cuban Woman in the USA Moves Social Media with Heartfelt Message: "I'm Happy to Be Here, But I Miss My Country So Much"

Published on 9/4/2024

Young Cuban Man Faces Xenophobia in Paraguay: "They Treated Me Like a Criminal Just Because I'm Cuban"
Young Cuban Man Faces Xenophobia in Paraguay: "They Treated Me Like a Criminal Just Because I'm Cuban"

Published on 8/19/2024

Moving from Florida to Missouri: A Cuban's Journey for Stability Over Scenery
Moving from Florida to Missouri: A Cuban's Journey for Stability Over Scenery

Published on 7/31/2024

Cubana Reflects on Life in Spain: "Here, You Come to Work, Not Fool Around"
Cubana Reflects on Life in Spain: "Here, You Come to Work, Not Fool Around"

Published on 7/23/2024

Cuban Man Shocked by Dating Scene in the U.S.: "Even $500 Won't Get You a Date at a Party"
Cuban Man Shocked by Dating Scene in the U.S.: "Even $500 Won't Get You a Date at a Party"

Published on 7/19/2024

Cuban Woman in Canary Islands: "Even Earning Euros, I'm Always Broke by Month-End"
Cuban Woman in Canary Islands: "Even Earning Euros, I'm Always Broke by Month-End"

Published on 6/7/2024

Cuban in Spain: "I Wouldn't Trade My Childhood in Cuba for Any Other"
Cuban in Spain: "I Wouldn't Trade My Childhood in Cuba for Any Other"

Published on 6/5/2024