
Roberto San Martín

Stay updated on Roberto San Martín's life, from heartwarming anniversaries with Alicia Barrera to sharing his journey from driving for Uber to stardom in Miami.

Roberto San Martín Reveals He Drove for Uber When He First Arrived in Miami
Roberto San Martín Reveals He Drove for Uber When He First Arrived in Miami

Published on 7/22/2024

Roberto San Martín and Alicia Barrera Celebrate 15th Anniversary: "Here's to 15 More Years"
Roberto San Martín and Alicia Barrera Celebrate 15th Anniversary: "Here's to 15 More Years"

Published on 6/20/2024

Famous Cuban Celebrities Share Heartwarming Father's Day Celebrations
Famous Cuban Celebrities Share Heartwarming Father's Day Celebrations

Published on 6/17/2024