Fabio di Celmo, his memory in Cuba's heart
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- 12 / 30 / 2007

The young Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo was the mortal victim of the terrorist action that, organized and financed by criminals with a long time at the service of the North American Central Intelligence Agency, took place on September 4th, 1997.
10 years ago, the younger son of the entrepreneur Giustino Di Celmo died when a bomb exploded in the lobby of Copacabana hotel in Havana City.
The action was a part of a sinister plan conceived by Luis Posada Carriles for terrorist attacks against Cuban hotels.
" Having lived in Cuba, seeing how happy are children, and that none of them die from hunger or is begging around for coins, cleaning car's crystals or selling newspapers, they turned my son into a communist", said Giustino, in recent statements to the Cuban press.
This man has dedicated the last decade of his life to spread out the truth on terrorism against Cuba and to be solidary with the cause of the five Cubans who have been prisoners in the United States for nine years, precisely for combatting the terrorism that is forged in Miami against Cuba.
Fabio grew at the same house where he was born on June 1st, 1965, at the municipality of Génova Pegli, at the famous Flower's Riverside of the Italian Blue Coast, where his memory keeps on in the hearts of the neighbors who loved him.
When he was 18 years old he graduated as a bachelor. Later, he took advanced courses of English and French, he finished off the Military Service and, when he was 22, he visited European and American countries, and lived temporarily in Canada, ready to course an entrepreneurial career.
The di Celmos got to Cuba for the first time in 1993 and the contact with the Cuban people caused an impact in the young Fabio, who was immediately captivated by the human kindness that he perceived in his quotidian relationship with the people.
That tragic September he was with some Italian friends at Copacabana hotel when a telephone call made him go to the lobby, without imagining that a mercenary hand at the service of terrorism against Cuba had placed an explosive device there.
"A metallic splinter extinguished Fabio's life forever, the younger son of the di Celmos, a young man full of dreams and hope", as his father wrote.
The fact is registered in the long list of abominable crimes patronized and executed by the terrorist Mafia and the CIA, and which is important to denounce over and over in order that the honest people all over the world to join the effort to imprison the responsible for those actions, who are still at large in the Unite States, and then achieving a true justice.
10 years ago, the younger son of the entrepreneur Giustino Di Celmo died when a bomb exploded in the lobby of Copacabana hotel in Havana City.
The action was a part of a sinister plan conceived by Luis Posada Carriles for terrorist attacks against Cuban hotels.
" Having lived in Cuba, seeing how happy are children, and that none of them die from hunger or is begging around for coins, cleaning car's crystals or selling newspapers, they turned my son into a communist", said Giustino, in recent statements to the Cuban press.
This man has dedicated the last decade of his life to spread out the truth on terrorism against Cuba and to be solidary with the cause of the five Cubans who have been prisoners in the United States for nine years, precisely for combatting the terrorism that is forged in Miami against Cuba.
Fabio grew at the same house where he was born on June 1st, 1965, at the municipality of Génova Pegli, at the famous Flower's Riverside of the Italian Blue Coast, where his memory keeps on in the hearts of the neighbors who loved him.
When he was 18 years old he graduated as a bachelor. Later, he took advanced courses of English and French, he finished off the Military Service and, when he was 22, he visited European and American countries, and lived temporarily in Canada, ready to course an entrepreneurial career.
The di Celmos got to Cuba for the first time in 1993 and the contact with the Cuban people caused an impact in the young Fabio, who was immediately captivated by the human kindness that he perceived in his quotidian relationship with the people.
That tragic September he was with some Italian friends at Copacabana hotel when a telephone call made him go to the lobby, without imagining that a mercenary hand at the service of terrorism against Cuba had placed an explosive device there.
"A metallic splinter extinguished Fabio's life forever, the younger son of the di Celmos, a young man full of dreams and hope", as his father wrote.
The fact is registered in the long list of abominable crimes patronized and executed by the terrorist Mafia and the CIA, and which is important to denounce over and over in order that the honest people all over the world to join the effort to imprison the responsible for those actions, who are still at large in the Unite States, and then achieving a true justice.