Agroecology in Cuba for sustainable development
- Submitted by: Luis Manuel Mazorra
- Business and Economy
- 11 / 28 / 2011

Orlando Lugo, president of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP), said more than 400 000 Cuban farmers using agroecological and that this practice is being extended to all the country, in order to achieve sustainable development.
Decree-Law 259, established several years ago and given land in usufruct to exploit, benefiting over 150 000 men and women.
This helped to reinforce the agroecology movement in the country, added the peasant leader.
This made the conclusions of the Third International Conference on Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture, in which 238 delegates took part from 26 nations.
According to the final resolution in the meeting exchanged views and assessed the implementation of the experiences of agroecological practices and methodology from farmer to farmer.
Also deepened the search for alternatives to favor populations of the world with an agriculture that ensures food sovereignty and sustainability
Participants expressed a programmatic set of definitions, including the certainty of the environmental value, social and economic production of agro-ecology for present and future generations.
It also reaffirmed the importance of genuine agrarian reform, which in addition to access and right to work the land, implement public policies and investment programs, based on a sustainable rural environment.
The president of the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) United States and a member of Via Campesina, Ben Burkett, read a special resolution of support for the Cuban Five imprisoned in that country.
It expresses the agreement of peasant organizations, indigenous and rural workers involved, to join the Cuban people claim they are released immediately.
They also call for allowing the immediate return of Rene Gonzalez, who finished his cruel imprisonment must serve three years of supervised release in their own Miami where he was tried, risking their personal safety.