
Grand Island

Discover insights on life in Grand Island, Nebraska from a Cuban's perspective, touching on opportunities, cost comparisons with Miami, tornado experiences, and home makeovers.

Cuban in the USA Reveals Stunning Mobile Home Makeover Despite Warnings
Cuban in the USA Reveals Stunning Mobile Home Makeover Despite Warnings

Published on 8/13/2024

Cubano Experiences Tornado in Nebraska: "It's the Only Downside of Living Here"
Cubano Experiences Tornado in Nebraska: "It's the Only Downside of Living Here"

Published on 8/12/2024

Comparing Rental Costs: Miami vs. Nebraska from a Cuban Perspective
Comparing Rental Costs: Miami vs. Nebraska from a Cuban Perspective

Published on 7/24/2024

Cuban in Nebraska: "Plenty of Opportunities Here for Everyone"
Cuban in Nebraska: "Plenty of Opportunities Here for Everyone"

Published on 7/17/2024

Living in Nebraska: A Cuban's Perspective on the Drawbacks
Living in Nebraska: A Cuban's Perspective on the Drawbacks

Published on 7/14/2024