
MLC Stores

Stay updated on MLC Stores, state-owned enterprises, market conditions, price regulations, and societal impacts in Cuba. Key themes: profitability, living conditions, and essential goods.

Cuban Government Plans Temporary Price Caps on Essential Goods
Cuban Government Plans Temporary Price Caps on Essential Goods

Published on 6/30/2024

Cuban Citizen Criticizes Electricity Saving Measures: "We Might as Well Live in the Jungle"
Cuban Citizen Criticizes Electricity Saving Measures: "We Might as Well Live in the Jungle"

Published on 5/30/2024

Cockroaches Run Rampant at Havana's 3rd and 70th Market
Cockroaches Run Rampant at Havana's 3rd and 70th Market

Published on 5/25/2024

State-Owned Enterprises Can Be Profitable, Insists Díaz-Canel
State-Owned Enterprises Can Be Profitable, Insists Díaz-Canel

Published on 5/21/2024

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