
San Pedrito Neighborhood

Insights on the San Pedrito Neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba, highlighting issues like trash and wastewater, incidents of theft, and recent reports of local violence.

Man Attacks Partner with Knife in Santiago de Cuba
Man Attacks Partner with Knife in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 6/26/2024

Wave of Thefts Alarms Artemisa Residents
Wave of Thefts Alarms Artemisa Residents

Published on 6/12/2024

Suspected Thief Captured by Neighbors After Snatching Girl's Phone in Santiago de Cuba
Suspected Thief Captured by Neighbors After Snatching Girl's Phone in Santiago de Cuba

Published on 6/11/2024

Wastewater and Trash: The Harsh Reality in Santiago de Cuba's Neighborhoods
Wastewater and Trash: The Harsh Reality in Santiago de Cuba's Neighborhoods

Published on 5/22/2024

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