
Severe Weather

Stay updated with the latest on severe weather, including waterspouts, heavy rain, flood threats, tropical depressions, tornadoes, and travel disruptions worldwide.

Thanksgiving Travel Disrupted by Severe Weather Across the U.S.
Thanksgiving Travel Disrupted by Severe Weather Across the U.S.

Published on 11/28/2024

Severe Weather Alert Issued for Western Cuba
Severe Weather Alert Issued for Western Cuba

Published on 11/20/2024

Cubano Experiences Tornado in Nebraska: "It's the Only Downside of Living Here"
Cubano Experiences Tornado in Nebraska: "It's the Only Downside of Living Here"

Published on 8/12/2024

Madrid-Havana Flight Diverted to Miami Due to Severe Weather in Cuba
Madrid-Havana Flight Diverted to Miami Due to Severe Weather in Cuba

Published on 7/23/2024

Severe Weather Warnings: Heavy Rain, Flooding, and Potential Tropical Depression Threaten Cuba
Severe Weather Warnings: Heavy Rain, Flooding, and Potential Tropical Depression Threaten Cuba

Published on 6/23/2024

Waterspout Spotted Off Miami Beach Amid Severe Weather Conditions
Waterspout Spotted Off Miami Beach Amid Severe Weather Conditions

Published on 6/13/2024