
Cuban Political Prisoners

Stay updated on the plight of Cuban political prisoners, their families' struggles, and international solidarity efforts. Key stories on freedom, resilience, and advocacy.

Peruvian TV Host José Peláez Reflects on His Father: "He Was a Political Prisoner in Cuba for 13 Years"
Peruvian TV Host José Peláez Reflects on His Father: "He Was a Political Prisoner in Cuba for 13 Years"

Published on 6/25/2024

Pregnant Cuban Political Prisoner Lisdani Rodríguez Isaac Describes Harsh Prison Life
Pregnant Cuban Political Prisoner Lisdani Rodríguez Isaac Describes Harsh Prison Life

Published on 6/16/2024

Daughter of Maykel Osorbo Leaves Cuba with Her Mother: "Heading to Lands of Freedom"
Daughter of Maykel Osorbo Leaves Cuba with Her Mother: "Heading to Lands of Freedom"

Published on 6/11/2024

Massive Screens at Madison Square Garden Display Message of Freedom for Cuba
Massive Screens at Madison Square Garden Display Message of Freedom for Cuba

Published on 5/27/2024

Ailex Marcano, Mother of Cuban Political Prisoner, Arrives in the U.S.
Ailex Marcano, Mother of Cuban Political Prisoner, Arrives in the U.S.

Published on 5/24/2024

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