
Elderly Residents

Challenges faced by elderly residents, from enduring prolonged sewage blockages and water crises to coping with unexpected incidents, affecting their health and well-being.

Water Crisis Hits El Vedado and Other Havana Areas: "We Are Not Insects"
Water Crisis Hits El Vedado and Other Havana Areas: "We Are Not Insects"

Published on 8/19/2024

SUV Crashes into Hialeah Home
SUV Crashes into Hialeah Home

Published on 6/28/2024

Residents in Santiago de Cuba Endure Month-Long Sewage Blockage: "The Filthy Water is Killing Us"
Residents in Santiago de Cuba Endure Month-Long Sewage Blockage: "The Filthy Water is Killing Us"

Published on 6/3/2024